Black Leaves

Black Leaves
Master's home

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Little Prey Runs and Runs and Runs and Runs...

...but we can catch him. He's no Gingerbread man.

Little Prey leaves the Inn to brave the streets, movements fast and breaths quick. Hails a cab and leaves my vision. Poor Little Prey. He Runs and my fun begins.

The Master laid a trap, then and now. Before when he failed to catch the boy on foot. Poor Little Prey thought Fighters' plan for the Longest Night had worked. Alas, he went back to test my dear Master again and was thus caught in His web.
Now, Little Prey flees the Land of Rebellion for "safer" ground. Black leaves surround all, alas.

The Servant wishes you ado.


  1. You're just another minion. A spineless worm who I'll enjoy killing. Your master will fall like you. So enjoy your time as well. -

    Liam, Infantry, NAPPA.

  2. I like your masks, friend.

    Masks are interesting, don't you think?

    Maybe if I see you this week I'll let you see mine~~

    Wouldn't that be fun?
